How To Expense This
Scholarships Available
We get it. You want in, but you don't want to pay.
One of our aims with the School of Stolen Genius is to provide some of our thinking at a fraction of the rates we charge to big companies. As a member, we'll give you some world-class thinking in exchange for the cost of a few pints. Each month, we'll provide a new tool or template -- and many of these, on their own, would cost more than a year's membership if our corporate clients were paying.
Plus, the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that advanced education of any kind increases your income by thousands of dollars a year. We think you should invest in yourself.
But we also think that if you work at a company, you have a decent chance of getting this cost expensed. So we've put together a letter for you to send to your boss, asking for your company to cover the costs. You'll want to edit it based on your company, so start by visiting this Google doc and then clicking File > Make a Copy.
We have a few scholarships available. You’ll need to email if you want to take advantage of these:
Contributor Scholarships: Interested in sharing your expertise? We offer our contributors free access for a full year. Send us an email with your thoughts on what you want to present, and if it feels like a good fit for us and our community, we’ll make something happen!
Student & Recent Graduate Scholarship : Active students and those who have graduated in the last year receive 50% off membership, when purchasing a year in advance. Email with proof of enrollment for your unique coupon code.
Emerging Market Scholarships : If you're in an emerging market, we're happy to offer a discount that brings the cost in line with other local market programs. Reach out to for more information.
We also offer organizations a way to sponsor scholarships:
Sponsored scholarships cost $999 and provide lifetime access for a single individual. Organizations will receive a free newsletter sponsorship in Strands of Genius. (12,000 subscribers, value: $1500 sponsorship cost waived.)
Sponsored Scholarship: Why invest in education?
People who either have the time or make the time to educate themselves are performing at higher levels.
A 4As survey found that agencies lose employees because they see little career pathing and seek new employers that invest more in training.
Employees who spend time learning at work are 47% less likely to be stressed, 39% more likely to feel productive and successful, 23% more ready to take on additional responsibilities, and 21% more likely to feel confident and happy. And the more you learn, the happier you become.
We hope you'll join us.
Remember, if it isn't any fun, it won't be any good.
rock ON,
Rosie & Faris