You’re looking at the new and improved home of the School of Stolen Genius! We’re so glad you’re here. Together, with Bold Woman Brands, we’ve redesigned the SOSG members-only area to make it easier to navigate, explore and connect. We’ve also included a fancy “Request & Suggest” area down below, because we want to serve you better throughout the year, rather than just soliciting your thoughts occasionally. Plus, we want peer-learning to be a big part of the SOSG — meaning we want to spotlight thinkers from our community (like you!), too.
Choose Your
Own Adventure:
Think of the School of Stolen Genius as a vault you can access whenever you need inspiration, support, or just a boost of something different. Your journey is self-guided, but we’ve categorized the content so that you have a solid starting point. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Give us a shout on Slack!