On Thursday, July 7, Rafa Jimenez, the founder of Seenapse will be taking our virtual stage to share a presentation about Augmented Creativity.
With the availability of deep learning-based tools that are capable of being creative, what is the impact for creative professionals? Is this “the beginning of the end”, as a friend of mine who’s an advertising creative told me, or is it more like the beginning of a fruitful human-machine creative collaboration? What should be our role, starting now? Is it ok to feel anxious, fearful, and on denial? In this session, I would like to discuss with you the answers to these questions, so that we all leave with a better outlook and a concrete action plan to deal with this authentic paradigm shift.
Rafa Jiménez has been working for thirty years in digital communications. He founded one of the first interactive agencies in Mexico, and sold it eight years later to Ogilvy. He was later GM Monetization, Hispanic America, at Yahoo!, and President of the Mexican chapter of the IAB. After that, Rafa launched another agency, which merged with Havas shortly after; and then he launched Seenapse, the world’s first inspiration engine. Seenapse has evolved over the years, and now it uses GPT-3 to generate divergent, interesting ideas inspired by human mental associations. He is a Professor of Creativity at CENTRO’s graduate studies, and Chairman of the Mexican chapter of Founders Network.
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